An Introduction to Soapbox Sox

10 Jul

I’m known for rants about anything and everything, possibly to my detriment, but I believe its part of my charm. One day during a full on rant about something I can’t even recall anymore a colleague piped up and said, “Get off yer soapbox Sox!” and so an idea was born…

Soapbox Sox

“On the Soapbox since 1987”

I felt my opinions should be heard but wouldn’t even know where to start looking for a soapbox in this day and age…so I gave up for a while…(I mean looking for a soapbox, not ranting)…until one day during my work as an SEO I realised I’m constantly advising people to blog to raise their profile and so a new idea was born, again…

I bet you’re asking yourself  “What can I expect to come across here?!” Well as it’s my first attempt at this I’m not going to limit myself so you could come across most anything. However if you want an idea of my keen interests check out the boy on the box page for more information.

So here’s to my latest project in forcing my opinions down the throat of the world one way or another, hopefully it won’t be long until you are all shouting “GET OFF YER SOAPBOX SOX” again and again and again…

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